International Women's Day 2023: Maria-Noel Vaeza


8 March 2023


For International Women’s Day, we partnered with Maria-Noel Vaeza, the Regional Director of UN Women for the Americas and the Caribbean.


Maria was previously Director of the Program Division at the UN Women Headquarters in New York.


Before joining UN Women, she served as the Regional Director of UNOPS for Latin America and the Caribbean, overseeing 270 projects in 22 countries.


Tuning in all the way from Panama, Maria discussed the topic of female economic empowerment.


She unpacked how gender equality is not only the right thing to do, but is good for business.


Data has showed that the economy grows when more women hold influential positions in business, and lack of inclusion has resulted in nations losing up to a trillion in GDP.


Not only is Maria an influential voice for equality and fair treatment of women, but she’s also our Recruitment Coordinator Fran Ogilvie’s mom.


Female economic empowerment is just one of the many issues we must focus on to achieve true equality.


We thank Maria for joining us at 7am her time to share her expertise on this topic. She hosted a fantastic session that produced some meaningful and positive discussion among our team.
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