What makes Saltgate special?
4 May 2021
We spoke to Gloriya Todorova, a Fund Accountant in our Jersey office, to find out more about her, and what it’s like to be part of the accounting team.
Read Gloriya’s interview below to discover her day-to-day responsibilities, her favourite part of Saltgate culture, and more.
What is your professional background?
I did my GCSEs in Jersey, and went to Hautlieu to do my A Levels – Business, English Language, Media Studies and Diploma in Financial Studies. I’m currently doing ACCA and I have one exam left – fingers crossed!
How did you get here?
I used to work for another company with a current colleague, he then moved and recommended me so I applied for a role. I had a really good feeling about Saltgate and it was the only place I applied – I didn’t apply anywhere else until I heard back and I ended up getting the job!
What’s your role and what are your responsibilities within Saltgate?
I’m a Fund Accountant so I prepare financial statements and reports for the client. I also work on various quarterly management packs and deliverables, as well as general accounting housekeeping.
What advice would you give to someone who wants your role?
Don’t be afraid of doing things wrong or making mistakes. Ask loads of questions and try to understand why people do what they do as that will really help. When you start something new, you always learn the how but the knowing the why is very important because things will make sense more, allowing you to do better.
What’s the best thing and more challenging part of your role?
The best part is that I’m always doing new things and there’s always opportunities to progress and develop. I’m able to challenge myself which I really enjoy because I’m not stuck doing the same thing all the time. I like to be challenged and feel like I’m progressing – you need that for job satisfaction.
The most challenging element is probably that there are always going to be time pressures. You need to deal with deadlines – sometimes more than one – and prioritise and manage them, with the support of your team of course. Sometimes you forget it isn’t just you, there’s a team too!
What’s the biggest misconception about your job?
That it’s ‘boring’ to be an accountant because I love my job and get excited when I put the numbers together and everything reconciles and looks good! People also think accountants are very good at maths, but we’re just very good with a calculator – Excel is my best friend!
Why did you go for the role you are in?
I had already started ACCA at my previous company but I kind of ‘fell into’ accounting and really enjoyed it. I always wanted to study and work as I felt it was best for me as opposed to university and the cost that came with it. I’ve seen other sides of finance, such as administration, but the right place for me is in accounting.
What’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you at work?
This didn’t happen at work, but I was at hot yoga once wearing my watch and I could see on it that an unexpected work call was coming through, but I couldn’t do anything as I didn’t have my phone on me, so I carried on at yoga! I of course returned the phone call once I’d finished.
What trait do you most admire/deplore?
I admire someone who can be completely calm and collected at all times, regardless of the situation. I think it is incredible if you have that trait and it will also reflect really well on the people around you as well! Another great trait is being able to trust that the work will get done and leaving your team do what they need to without constantly having to check on them.
I dislike micromanagement. I find it can cause extra pressure.
What do you do for fun?
The number one thing I’d love to do right now is go on holiday, I love exploring and holidaying to cities. I do a lot of exercise like running, cycling and keeping fit in general. Being active is definitely something I do for fun! I am currently training for the Island walk with my mum and it is amazing as we are able to explore our beautiful island. I’ve recently got into reading too.
What’s your hidden talent?
I can do the splits – I used to be a rhythmic gymnast! When I was living in Bulgaria I went to many competitions with my team. I still watch it and follow the top teams.
What’s the highlight of your week?
In general, I look forward to socialising and meeting up with people during the week – especially after lockdown. We just did the Canaccord Cup which was really exciting, we haven’t been able to do something like that in ages! I’m also a creature of habit so I look forward to my two hot yoga sessions every week.
Who’s your hero?
Definitely my mum. She came over to Jersey not knowing any English which is an incredibly brave thing to do. She brought me over here for a better future and I really admire her for that. She worked her way up and always strives to succeed – I get that from her!
Who’s your favourite author or book?
I really loved the mystery novel The Lake House by Kate Morton. It’s so well written and the detail was impeccable.
What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?
“What do you call an Italian man with a rubber toe?”
What makes someone succeed at Saltgate?
Hard work and being a people person. Doing your best and being open, approachable, and friendly will help you succeed too – if you’re nice to people, people will be nice back and happy to give you help when you need it.
What’s your favourite part of Saltgate culture?
The people. Everyone is approachable, friendly, and helpful. I’ve not come across anyone at Saltgate that’s not been nice or I felt I couldn’t have a conversation with – every time you say hello to someone, they say it back! I love being part of my team – no one is left behind or on their own and there’s always someone to help out. It’s like a little family!