Devin Moore, summer intern alumni
Where are you at in your studies?
I’m currently studying at the University of Bath. I’ve just finished my first year of a four-year Economics degree.
What’s your role and what are your responsibilities at Saltgate?
I’m in the Fund Administration team – my responsibilities include maintaining accurate records of fund transactions, shareholders, and performance of said funds.
What are your hobbies or what do you do for fun?
As for hobbies, I love travelling. I try and travel as much as possible at university as it’s more accessible from the UK. Aside from that, in Jersey I’ll normally be at the beach or just chilling with my friends.
What’s your favourite part of your role?
My favourite part has to be the variation of the tasks you do – it’s a cliché answer, but it is true! I never really did the same task more than twice, which I enjoyed.
What’s been the best experience you’ve had as an intern at Saltgate so far?
Definitely the social aspect. As an intern, every Friday Saltgate makes it a priority to organise something for us to do as a break at the end of the week.
What’s been the most surprising thing?
This is a good question – I would say the thing that surprised me the most was the work environment. This was my first time in an office for a while and it’s a lot more relaxed than I had imagined. As long as the work gets done, you won’t have a problem, and there really is quite a bit of freedom in terms of day-to-day work.
What advice would you give a student considering an internship or work experience?
Ask questions if you’re unsure. Everyone’s really friendly and all they want to do is help you – it’s what they’re there for.
What’s your favourite part of Saltgate culture?
I’m torn between the work culture – flexibility, benefits, ability to work from home – and the charity work they do here. It really did surprise me how involved Saltgate are in helping local communities.