Intern-view with Harvey Pallent
10 August 2023
We’re nearing the end of our six-week summer programme.
Our 2023 cohort are a group of bright and budding young professionals, who’ve thrown themselves into Saltgate life with ease.
The Intern-views series is a chance to get to know our interns better, and Harvey, based in our Jersey office, stars in the final instalment.
Read on to learn more about what Harvey’s learnt at Saltgate, what’s surprised him, and what advice he’d give for anyone considering work experience.
Where are you at in your studies?
I’m currently studying at the University of Sheffield. I’ve just finished my first year doing Material Sciences and Engineering.
What’s your role and what are your responsibilities at Saltgate?
I’m in the Structures accounting team – my responsibilities include bookkeeping and overseeing loans and share buybacks.
What are your hobbies or what do you do for fun?
I play hockey both at university and in Jersey. Normally if I’m in Jersey I’m just relaxing with my friends on the beach or at someone else's house. I love to travel as much as possible too.
What’s your favourite part of your role?
It’s so satisfying once something big is complete. I’ve had a variance in tasks to do during my time here, so it has always been fresh. I also enjoyed the challenge of taking on new things.
What’s been the best experience you’ve had as an intern at Saltgate so far?
The socials. Doing something at the end of the day on a Friday is really nice of the social committee and Saltgate.
What’s been the most surprising thing?
That accounting isn’t just numbers. There is quite a lot of background knowledge that goes into it that’s quite interesting – it really helps you understand what is going on.
What advice would you give a student considering an internship or work experience?
You take out what you put in. If you want to get the most out of it, you need to ask questions so you can gain a broader understanding of what’s going on.
What’s your favourite part of Saltgate culture?
The people – it’s so easy to talk to everyone as they’re so friendly and welcoming.