Feel Good February: the power of exercise


2 March 2023


We partnered with Tom Marien to learn more about how our bodies work, and the benefits of getting active.


As the founder of online and outdoor fitness provider One Element, he knows a thing or two about exercise.


He shared his expert knowledge on:

  • The science of why it’s important to keep our bodies and our minds active
  • The impact being active can have on our physical and mental wellbeing
  • How to incorporate exercise into our busy routines


The best way to look after yourself starts with education, so it was a pleasure to work with Tom and learn from his expertise.


We’ve just rounded off Feel Good February, a month we dedicated to getting active, healthy living, and looking after our mental wellbeing.


During the month, the Do-5, Donate-5, Nominate-5 challenge has been taking Saltgate by storm.


Kicked off by CEO Simon Riley and the rest of our C-suite, they ran five kilometres or equivalent, then passed the baton on by nominating five more colleagues to do the same, beginning a chain of nominations around Saltgate.


For every person who completes an activity, we’re donating to the Ukraine crisis appeal. In light of the tragic events in recent weeks, we’ve extended our support to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal too.


We’re pleased to use our annual wellbeing initiative to support victims of these tragedies, and grateful for our team’s enthusiasm in getting involved for a good cause.


Read more here

Feel Good February is here!

Saltgate pledges to support earthquake victims

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