#10,000 Black Interns: building for a fairer and equal future


25 August 2022


Setting our interns up for the future is a priority to us.


It’s also important to consider what challenges young people could face as they build the foundations of their career.


The #10,000 Black Interns scheme ensures that young black people are supported to achieve their potential.


Maria Santos-Adeyeye is another intern that we welcomed through the scheme – she’s studying biochemistry at Manchester University.


We caught up with Maria to see how she’s getting on, how she’s enjoying Saltgate life, and what impact she thinks the 10,000 Black Interns scheme is having.


What made you apply for an internship through the 10,000 Black Interns scheme?

I was the vice-president of the African Caribbean society at my university, and our society partnered with 10,000 Black Interns to offer the opportunity to our 800 members.

It was apparent how beneficial the scheme is, and it wasn’t something I wanted to miss out on – my career goal is to work in finance.


Why did you choose to join Saltgate?

The scheme sends your CV off to companies of their choice within a sector that you choose. I chose the finance and investment sector and my details landed with Saltgate, which I’m very grateful for as fund management aligns with my goal of working in private equity.


How are you finding it at Saltgate so far? What are you enjoying?

I’m enjoying myself – the office environment is very friendly, and I’ve been introduced to the world of accounting.


I also like the group project task I’ve been given, as it’s an opportunity to improve my research skills while getting to know Saltgate’s company culture better.


Do you feel this internship at Saltgate is valuable to starting your career? Why?

Yes – fund management is a great path into private equity. Previously, I didn’t have a good understanding of accounting and what it consisted of, but since starting the internship I’ve learned a lot.


I can add the experience and skills I’m picking up to my CV and ultimately use them in future finance roles.


How do you think this programme is helping young black people who are looking to start their career?

I think it’s amazing – it’s breaking the glass ceiling that ethnic minorities face when trying to get into their career of choice.


Companies are actively trying to improve diversity in their intern cohort and it’s giving young people opportunities that previously would’ve been much harder for them to obtain.


In terms of starting a career, internships are extremely beneficial as you can build on your experience while also networking.


How important is it for companies to team up with programmes like 10,000 Black Interns?

It’s very important for companies to partner with schemes that improve diversity and access. This improves representation in the industries and provides opportunity to individuals that otherwise would have struggled to start their careers.


What difference do you hope the 10,000 Black Interns programme will make?

I hope it encourages more black people to take a chance and go for a career in the industry they are interested in.

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